Due to increasing temperatures and frequent heat waves, many air condensers can no longer pull the cooling process, resulting in higher energy consumption, reduced performance and shorter lifespan of the installation.

By adding a Misting Group high-pressure misting system to the condenser, the ambient air will be pre cooled thanks to an adiabatic cooling process: this is the process where the micro-droplets, formed by the high pressure misting system, extract energy (in the form of heat) from the air during the evaporation process, resulting in a temperature drop of up to 12°C (53,6°F), which has a direct impact on the performance and energy consumption of the condenser

Misting Group systems for air condenser optimisation

Misting lines

Based on a thermal and hygrometric value calculation, misting lines with nozzles will be suspended or mounted on a safe distance from the condenser.

The misting lines are connected to a Misting Group HP Pro Box, creating a homogeneous mist of micro-droplets. During the evaporation of the micro-droplets, energy (in the form of heat) is extracted from the air, resulting in a significant temperature drop (up to 12°C) of the air that is being taken in by the condenser. The less intense use of the condenser ensures that the performance of the condenser is optimized and the energy consumption is strongly reduced, up to 30%.

We offer misting lines in 2 materials: stainless steel or flexible polyamide HP tubing.

All Misting Group systems can be automated by temperature and humidity sensors.

HVAC integrated nebulization

To optimize the performance of internal ventilation systems a good maintenance is of great importance. However, ventilation ducts are often hard to clean, due to difficult accessibility.

By installing nozzles on strategic spots inside the ventilation ducts, a fine mist will be blown into the ducts. The micro-droplets will encapsulate and aggravate the dust particles, preventing them from spreading via the ventilated air.

An extra advantage of this application: a disinfectant can be added to the msit via the integrated dosing pump, resulting in a purified and humidified air and thus a better work environment.
This system can be fully automated.


Used for, among other things:

Air condensers - cold stores - data centers - heat pumps


High pressure fogging is a frequently used application with impressive results in a wide variety of industries. Our products are designed for both sophisticated and heavy duty applications.
Misting Group applications can be automated with numerous accessories: temperature and humidity sensors, timers, interval timers, tailor-made control panels, ...