The prevention of odours can be quite the challenge. High-pressure misting is a frequently used technique to limit nuisance caused by odours.

Misting Group high-pressure (70 bar) misting systems will form a homogeneous mist of micro-droplets. The odour particles will be encapsulated and thus aggravated by the micro-droplets, forcing them to fall down instead of spreading around.

Our high-pressure misting systems can be automated by scent sensors installed on strategic spots of the area. To increase the effect, scent neutralizers can be added to the mist via the integrated dosing pump.

Misting Group offers the following solutions for odour control

Misting lines with scent neutralizer

Our specially designed misting lines are installed at strategic points of the zone to suppress the odour as much as possible at the origin. The misting lines are connected to a 70 bar HP Pro Box, that generates a fine mist of micro-droplets. A neutralizer can be added via the integrated dosing pump.

The micro-droplets will encapsulate the scent particles, preventing them from spreading around. The system is automated by a timer and can be programmed on interval.

Misting lines with aroma additif

Similar to the misting lines with scent neutralizer, an aroma can be added to the mist via the integrated dosing pump.

Misting Group offers a wide range of aromas.


Used for, among other things:

Water purification - waste disposal - waste water - sewerage - composting - recycling - petrochemical industry - lagunes - extraction industry - chimneys


High pressure fogging is a frequently used application with impressive results in a wide variety of industries. Our products are designed for both sophisticated and heavy duty applications.
Misting Group applications can be automated with numerous accessories: temperature and humidity sensors, timers, interval timers, tailor-made control panels, ...