A Misting Group high pressure misting system brings an important contribution to the creation and regulation of the correct thermal and hygrometric climate that is required for the cultivation of high-quality products in greenhouses and other closed growing areas.

A good and healthy greenhouse climate results in high quality products, a good harvest and therefore higher yields.

By choosing a Misting Group high pressure system, you will automatically enjoy the extra advantages that the system offers.

  • Hygrometric regulation

  •  Cleaning of the plantation

  • Nutrition of the plantation

Hygrometric regulation

Misting plays an important role in the control and regulation of the thermo-hygrometric climate in greenhouses and other closed growing areas.

By maintaining an optimal climate, where the micro-droplets moisten without wetting, the plants are protected from water stress.

The system can be fully automated with a temperature and humidity controller panel and sensors.

Our high pressure misting applications are frequently used in: orchid farms, plant and flower nurseries, different vegetable crops such as tomatoes, cucumbers, aubergines, peppers,..

Cleaning of the plantation

The homogenous mist that is created by the Misting Group high pressure (70 bar) misting systems will purify the air within the infrastructure or indoor area, avoiding the risk of fungi and parasites.

Nutrition of the plantation

Nutritional supplements can be added to the Misting Group high pressure misting systems via the integrated dosing pump, and will be homogeneous and efficiently spread over the plantation.


Used for, among other things:

Horticulture (greenhouses) - mushrooms - wine cellars - tabac production - hydroponics - ...


High pressure fogging is a frequently used application with impressive results in a wide variety of industries. Our products are designed for both sophisticated and heavy duty applications.
Misting Group applications can be automated with numerous accessories: temperature and humidity sensors, timers, interval timers, tailor-made control panels, ...